Personal Bio

I was born on 12th of October of 1969 in Barcelona. My parents loved biblical names, which is why they called me Judith. I have an elder brother and a younger sister. I have always been told I look like my grandmother Antonia, my father’s mother, and by way of anecdote I can tell you that the Mascó house in Ponts, a village in the province of Lérida, was known as Cal Maco (“Handsome’s House”), because it would appear my great-grandfather was something of a looker.

I am the daughter of teachers and in my family I have always been surrounded by teachers. I remember having very active parents throughout my childhood, always involved in different causes both educational and social, and this is why I believe that the education one receives as a child makes you view life in one particular way, and not in another. For me it is nothing unusual to have made so much of life and tried to take advantage of everything I have found along the way, because that is what my parents taught me.

From my childhood I recall long holidays and long journeys with our family motorhome throughout the whole of Europe.

I am married to Eduard Vicente, my companion on the biggest journey, that of living life to it’s very fullest. Together we have made a great family, four beautiful children. María, Paula, Romitha and Clara.


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